Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Landmark deal reached on Iran nuclear program!

Landmark deal reached on Iran nuclear program!

This reminds me of when Neville Chamberlain was Prime Minister of England from 1937 – 1940. He had what was then called an appeasement foreign policy similar to the way Obama operates! Particular for his signing of the Munich Agreement in 1938, conceding the German-speaking Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia to Germany. This appeasement to Adolph Hitler showed such a sign of weakness that he invaded Poland shortly thereafter! And we know how that turned out! Here is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s take on this treaty. The leading international powers have bet our collective future on a deal with the foremost sponsor of international terrorism. They’ve gambled that in ten years’ time, Iran’s terrorist regime will change while removing any incentive for it to do so. In fact, the deal gives Iran every incentive not to change!” Personally I think if Obama believes this will stop Iran from getting the bomb he is foolish, just like Chamberlain believed his Munich accord would stop Hitler! Obama’s words ring similar to Chamberlains famous quotes about, “Peace with honor and Peace for our time!” This also reminds me of the Rabbit and the Snake story where the rabbit is on the shores of a lake trying to escape from a forest fire! All seems lost until a snake comes along and says jump on my back and I’ll take you across! The rabbit jumps on and is successfully taken across the lake! The snake then bites the rabbit! As the rabbit lies dying he asks the snake why! And the snake says, because that’s what snakes do! I think in this deal we are the rabbit and Iran is the snake!

Whataburger takes stand against Texas open carry law!

Whataburger takes stand against Texas open carry law!
There is a 5% rule that impacts the world we live in. What I mean is that 5% of each group is made of up of idiots! The problem is for some reason the other 95% won’t turn on them and remove them. For instance with this open carry law, the 5% that insist to be stupid affects the other 95% and everyone else! When the 5% of the idiots of any group gets attacked from the outside for some reason the 95% rush to their defense instead of agreeing that they are idiots and should be ousted! This rule applies across the board. 5% of blacks, whites, gays, democrats, republicans, senators, congressmen, rich and poor! The list could go on forever! We as a country will finally come together only when all of the 95%’ters get together and remove the 5% of the idiots causing the problems across the land!  Sounds easy don’t it! So why don’t we start here? I am a licensed gun carrier who by law could wear my guns on my hip and over my shoulder! But I don’t because I think we should all agree that’s its stupid and only asking for trouble! If your going to carry a gun in the open you better also be highly trained in fighting techniques when some other groups’ idiot tries to take it from you! So all of you guys who want to take a loaded AR15, or a loaded hand gun open on your hip, stop it! It’s stupid and dangerous! I would guess that most of you haven’t been trained and don’t have enough trigger discipline to be carrying a loaded weapon especially where there are children! OK you so called 95%’ters, quite trying to defend this stupidity! Call these 5%’ters out and tell them to stop now! Here’s your chance!     

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Confederate flag and attacks on and defacing of Confederate monuments!

Confederate flag and attacks on and defacing of Confederate monuments!

All of this frenzy going on around the country in regard to the Confederate flag and attacks on and defacing of Confederate monuments reminds me of  The Night of Broken Glass (German: Reichskristallnacht)! Who’s next? When will the attacks and persecution of non-political correct activities and groups stop! America is dying and our leader reminds me of Nero, who they say fiddled while Rome burned!

Victory for Obama as the Senate gives him the go-ahead to negotiate Pacific Rim trade deal

Republicans make me puke. They posture against all things Obama, then give him what he wants! Remember Obama could get nothing done on his agenda without Republican support! So whatever happens with this trade DEBACLE, it should all fall at the Republicans feet! Also, this trade act is very similar to Obama Care, what I mean by that is most people supporting it don't really know what's in it! The public don't because most of this has been done behind closed doors! Does the public know that if enacted this new trade bill will increase outsourcing of American jobs! Where’s the MSM? Also this new trade package will allow the president to submit trade agreements to Congress without giving members of Congress the opportunity to amend the deal. Essentially giving the President dictator power over who we trade with and how!? Do we really want that!?  Fast track trade legislation will speed the ratification of more job-destroying trade deals. Talk about income disparity!!!  This package will make the rich richer and the poor much poorer! Talking about building a welfare state! Supposedly if you lose your job because of this you will get some kind of government assistance!!! Who’s going to pay for that!? Here again America these politicians have caught you asleep at the wheel! You think Obama Care is crazy, wait to you get a load of this trade agenda! And, oh yes the Republicans could have stopped this! 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Jon Stewart Puts Jokes Aside To Discuss Racism In America Following S.C. Shooting

There will always be racism in America and those who think it will go away are fools! The problem is when certain individuals use racism to fan discord and bring about divisiveness among the population for getting votes! No one ever calls each other Americans anymore everyone has to have a pre-fix! Politicians especially the progressives have segmented and polarized our society more than ever! They want to keep it that way to stay in power! The United States is a nation adrift! No longer a Christian nation we have no rudder no limits and no unity! We don't have a leader in the White House who can bring us back together because he has pushed Humpty Dumpty off of the wall! Racism is the biggest card being played around the country today. Making it seem that all cops are racist who just want to hunt down and kill black men!? Has Obama stepped forward to quell this thought ... no he feeds into it! Does Obama step forward and stop the racist rhetoric that has been spewing forth from the black community and their so called leaders Jackson and Sharpton chanting about killing cops! It a shame that only ONE black mother had the courage to get her child and bring him home! Where were the other 1000 or so!? If blacks want whites to think of them differently then they need to stop falling right into the trap of rioting whenever things don't go their way! Yes there is racism ... where's our glorious leader trying to heal the divide instead of fanning the flames of hatred from both sides! Also it still amazes me that the black community gets up in arms when there is an incident with the police, when black on black crime is at an all-time high! All real racist have to do is sit back and let the black community destroy itself! They have done a great job so far!

Senate: China Hacked U.S. Military Contractor Networks

Senate: China Hacked U.S. Military Contractor Networks

Just another example how far down our country has fallen when our adversaries can so easily hack our most secure information! The US used to be the best at everything, now we are just about second rate at everything except watching TV! People still want to say we are the greatest country in the world! We are not the greatest country in the world, we're seventh in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, No. 4 in labor force, and No. 4 in exports. ... not to mention our railroad system, bridges and infrastructure, refineries and chemical plants! So when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the f*** you're talking about." We have been so busy being touchy feely, making sure everyone gets a trophy and not demanding perfection in our jobs because it just too darn hard! If you look at our police, fire and even now Special Forces standards have been lowered to allow less qualified candidates admission! So we now have very culturally diverse groups that are 2nd or even third class when measured against other organizations across the globe! Think of this; Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941 and we totally defeated them by 09/02/1945, about 4 years! The terrorist bombed the Twin Towers on 09/11/2001 and now it’s 2015 and we have not found a way to defeat these animals! WHY? We in the U.S., have the capability and the capacity to wipe these people off the face of the earth but we no longer have the political will! So our soldiers keep dying for no reason and our citizens are still not save around the globe. We better get a backbone soon before our grandchildren’s; grandchildren are living under sharia law and working for China as a third world country!

Friday, May 22, 2015

Hundreds protest Wash. police wounding of 2 unarmed suspects!

Hundreds protest Wash. police wounding of 2 unarmed suspects!

This is getting old! Not even news any longer! Perpetrators engaged in an illegal activity gets shot! Isn't that the risk you take? Come on guys, sometimes bad people get caught doing bad things and then bad things happen! All of these shootings and other incidents the individuals were engaged in some type of illegal activity! I would guess that on any given day that the police apprehend and arrest thousands/millions of bad guys with no problems! Percentage dictate that amongst those thousands/millions something is going to go bad! What is sad is that certain powers that be want to paint our police officers as racist pigs who just want to shoot and kill black men! When 99.9% of police officers are just hard working men and women of many races and color who have a hard job to do already without the MSM and our politicians turning their backs on them to pander to certain groups for votes! Remember we sow what we reap! Also, it seems nowadays that if a family member gets shot by the police committing a crime it's almost like winning the lottery! Enough yelling and screaming and bad media coverage almost always garners a big payout by the city! And the so called protest (riots maybe!) provides a lot of free TV's and whatnot to other citizens! Hey boys go out and try to steal some beer and get shot please!